
What pills help you get pregnant fast?

3 fertility expert(s) answered this question

What is the best fertility drug to get pregnant?

What is the fastest way to get pregnant? Do fertility supplements really work? Are there any vitamins or macro elements essential in achieving pregnancy?

Answer from:
Gynaecologist, Deputy Clinical Director at CRGH, Associate Professor at UCL

When it comes to fertility drugs – is there any magical drug? Is there any specific drug that improves fertility compared to others? Obviously any fertility medications need to be prescribed by a clinician, by a health care professional after taking your history in detail but what to expect? Medications that are given or that are prescribed for fertility treatment or to boost fertility either comes in form of pills – once of the pills that can be given is very old medication, one of the oldest fertility medications actually called Clomiphene Citrate – this medications mainly work on increasing the hormones that you produce in your own body to boost fertility. Other forms of fertility may be in the form of injections that your health care professional or fertility specialist will prescribe and those include injections that go directly to stimulate the ovary. The choice would be dependent on lots of parameters that your health care professional will take into consideration including your medical history, your hormonal profile and other factors including your previous medical treatment as well.

Answer from:
Gynaecologist, Consultant Gynaecologist and Clinical Director of Lister Fertility

Across the board, depending on what the issue is. If, for example, you’ve got irregular cycles because you’re not ovulating, because you’ve got polycystic ovaries and in that scenario, for example, then yes, something like letrozole or something like clomid, it could regulate your cycle, allow you to have time intercourse and suddenly your chances of getting pregnant like anybody else’s. I think even if you’re doing that at least in the first cycle you should probably have some monitoring just to make sure you’re not producing too many follicles and that risk of multiple pregnancy goes up. I think there’s a sometimes a little bit of a desire from GPs, there I say it perhaps more than fertility doctors or hopefully more than not inferrtility doctors to perhaps give clomid or letrozole to give to people who’ve got unexplained fertility and who are ovulating perfectly well and there’s no great evidence that’s going to improve the outcome. It could in theory decrease it, unless you’re not monitoring properly so, the default is no there isn’t a appeal unless there’s a specific problem that we can address.

Answer from:
Gynaecologist, Gynaecology and Reproductive Medicine

There are basically two drugs used for oral ovulation-induction, one of them called Clomiphene citrate or Clomid, and another one is called letrozole. These are ovulation-induction drugs we prescribe to our patients which are to be used from the second day of the period for five days, mainly for polycystic ovaries or other ovulation causes. These can be given by the doctor because they usually would be monitored through a scan or blood test. So, I wouldn’t advise you to use them without a doctor’s input.

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