
What vitamins can I take to produce more sperm?

2 fertility expert(s) answered this question

Are there any vitamins with proven effect in terms of sperm quality?

Can vitamins affect sperm? What vitamins help with sperm morphology?

Answer from:
Dietician / nutritionist, Lecturer in Nutrition and Public Health at University of Westminster

Zinc is one of the most popular minerals that has been shown to affect fertility a lot in men and improve sperm quality and quantity. Lycopene has been shown to improve sperm quantity. Lycopene is very easy to get from the diet – aim for anything that has red in it. However if you choose to take it as a supplement it has shown to have beneficial effects as well. Staying away from the processed foods and high sugar foods can also improve your sperm quality. Finally avoiding smoking, avoiding pesticides that are in the food and avoiding foods that have xenoestrogens, fitoestrogenos like soy, can also influence the sperm quality.

Answer from:
Dietician / nutritionist, Director at Dietitian Ro Ltd

There have been lot’s of different nutrients that have been shown to improve several different sperm parameters. So whether it is sperm count or concentration or morphology, different nutrients have shown to improve these parameters. But general nutrients or supplements that we want to look out for or can  improve these things include vitamin C, vitamin E, Co-enzyme Q10, lycopene, l’carnitine and Omega 3 for example.

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