
What are the long term side effects of IVF injections?

2 fertility expert(s) answered this question

How can stimulation process affect my health in long term?

In vitro fertilization has nowadays become a standard procedure for all couples struggling with infertility. What do we know so far regarding the effect of IVF? Can IVF cause any health problems? How long does it take for the ovaries to recover after IVF? Are there any negative effects of IVF?

Answer from:
Gynaecologist, Fertility Specialist Next Generation Clinic

For the side effects of ovarian stimulation; one of the most serious side effects is ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, and right now we have some methods to avoid this complication. Also, ovarian stimulation can lead to some complications on coagulation potential. So, before we start ovarian stimulation, every person should do some special tests, and we need to be sure that everything is good within her body and ovarian stimulation is safe for her.

Answer from:
Gynaecologist, Muirhead Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at Glasgow Royal Fertility Clinic and Medical Director at Access Fertility

We can be generally reassured that people have looked using big swedish data descents and danish datasets :why not for example the risk of breast cancer has increased because people are worried about giving these hormones and the date is all very reassuring there’s no increased risk because people have had IVF or had IVF drugs in terms of any of these cancers. That’s very reassuring. In terms of other abnormalities like cardiovascular disease, diabetes – again there’s no evidence of that. There’s no problems with bones. I guess the biggest issue that people may have, it’s just kind of the psychological rollercoaster that people are placed on when they go through IVF – that their hormones.I say that is more potentially that might have a detrimental effect on the longer term – just how they cope with the IVF cycle and the implications of how they responded to drugs. That is not directly attributed to the injections themselves, that’s more about the whole IVF process rather than the drugs.

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