
What is the most accurate way to track ovulation?

3 fertility expert(s) answered this question

How can we monitor ovulation accurately?

Ovulation usually happens about 14 days before the period, however this is to be determined precisely after knowing the length of the cycle. Nowadays people are more aware of the importance of ovulation tracking when trying to conceive. Apart from the traditional methods like periods tracking, measuring of temperature, we are reaching to new technologies and we get supported with ovulation kits.

Answer from:
Nurse, Independent Fertility Nurse Consultant & Coach at Fertility Industry Consultancy & Podcast Co-Host

That’s a really good question. The most accurate way to see ovulation occurring is to actually have surgery at the time that ovulation occurs. Well clearly that’s not correct, that’s not something you’re going to do. You can see when ovulation has occurred or is about to occur on a scan but again that’s not 100% accurate. The ways that you can observe your ovulation when you’re fertile are to either check your natural fertility indicators: your temperature, your cervical mucus and the position of your cervix by monitoring those throughout your cycle or to use ovulation predictor kits. Where you’re looking for an increased rise in luteinizing hormone prior to ovulation so using those methods can give you some information but nothing is 100% reliable and that’s really important.

Answer from:
Gynaecologist, Obstetrician and Reproductive Gynecologist

The most accurate way to detect ovulation at home would be with LH kits. With those kits you can use urine which contains one of the hormones that surge during ovulation in the female body. This hormone is called LH and it can be detected from the kits very early on, once it has reached 20 units which is a very very minimum amount of circulating hormone in the body.
The only way to actually confirm ovulation would be either by having a scan by a sonographer or a gynecologist who will be able to detect the corpus luteum which is the remnant from the area on the ovary where the egg is released from or by doing blood tests that confirm the surge of progesterone which is the hormone that is released from the corpus luteum but preferably both a combination of both ways would be the perfect way to confirm ovulation.

Answer from:
Diagnostician, Chief Scientific Officer Pearl Fertility by Colorimetrix GmbH

The most accurate way to track the ovulation is with ultrasound. Ultravaginal ultrasound at the clinic or at the gynecologist can tell you whether follicles are formed and they are about to rapture. Of course that method is inconvenient because you have to know more or less when the ovulation is going to be, you have to make appointment with gynecologist or clinic and then get the ultrasound to estimate whether there are follicles that are about to rupture or not and roughly estimate or even see the ovulation happening.
After that it is important to have methods to use to track the ovulation at home. One of these methods to do it at home is with hormone testing.
Hormone testing or ovulation tests are designed to give you hormone level to estimate when the ovulation is coming.
The most typical, the most common test is the LH test – lutinaise hormone test. This hormone peaks 24 hours before the ovulation so when the hormone test is high you know that the ovulation is coming in one or two days.
Of course this test gives you lines that you can see with your eyes – that this is positive or negative. Some give you a happy face or no happy face to report ovulation. This only means the hormone is high or low. This only happens with the LH test 24 hours.
We have also introduced the FSH test – follicle stimulating hormone test which starts dropping before ovulation around 6 days in advance – 6 days before the ovulation and actually predicts ovulation time.
Why is it important to know and monitor ovulation?
Because ovulation marks a certain point in your fertile days.
Most people don’t know but the highest chance to conceive starts 6 days before the ovulation. Days 3,4 and 5 before ovulation are the most fertile days for having intercourse. You can only find them when you monitor hormones because when you monitor hormone peak – one day before the ovulation – you are already missing the most important days. Ovulation tracking and finding ovulation is not just important to know when the ovulation is – it is important to know in advance for women who are trying to conceive just to maximize their chances of finding the best days to conceive. These are two types of tests that we bring together with our solution. These hormone tests are the urine tests. It is possible to use them once in the morning – first morning urine, take a picture with the phone with the app to digitize this test. Instead of giving you a line or happy face, we actually give you a hormone chart, a hormone profile, analyze the hormone trends so we know in advance when the ovulation is coming in advance and understand how your hormones behave. That’s probably the most accurate way to monitor ovulation that exists today in the market but you can do it at home.


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