
What happens on ovulation day?

3 fertility expert(s) answered this question

What does it mean the ovulation day and what impact it might have on fertility?

To make the process of achieving pregnancy it is essential to understand what needs to happen in order to achieve it. This seems very simple to those who did not experience infertility or did not look into details how many variables are there.

Answer from:
Nurse, Independent Fertility Nurse Consultant & Coach at Fertility Industry Consultancy & Podcast Co-Host

On the day of ovulation your follicles will release a mature egg. This takes place over a number of days and then when you get a hormone called luteinizing hormone you get a surge that encourages ovulation to occur and you will ovulate. The egg will be released and the egg is then in your uterus or between fallopian tubes between well 12 and 24 hours so a very very short finite time that you’re able to conceive. However, luckily life of the sperm is a lot longer so sperm can live in the vagina for maybe about five days sometimes even up to seven but generally around five days so any sex that occurs in the five days prior to ovulation can result in the pregnancy.

Answer from:
Gynaecologist, Obstetrician and Reproductive Gynecologist

By definition “ovulation day” is when all the events that lead to the release of the oocyte take place and the release of the oocyte itself so that it can be then picked up by the fallopian tubes and be fertilized if there is available sperm.
As far as the impact that it might have on fertility, the fact that someone ovulates is the first step for a successful establishment of pregnancy.

Answer from:
Diagnostician, Chief Scientific Officer Pearl Fertility by Colorimetrix GmbH

Ovulation day is basically the day when the follicles are ruptured from the ovary and the ovum is expelled into the fallopian tube – so that’s what we call the ovulation day.
For fertility, well it’s the beginning of the journey of the ovum so from that moment the ovum will have 24 hours to live. In these 24 hours it has to be fecundated and of course anything can happen in that journey. Once it’s released, it has to be caught by the fallopian tube. If there are any blockages or anything that could affect its journey down to the uterus then you know that could affect the fertility as we call it. If the sperm doesn’t get there in time, that also affects – it doesn’t really affect the fertility overall but affects the chances so the it looks like there is a an opposition to be fertile biologically but if everything goes well the ovum will continue its journey 24 hours and hopefully meet the sperm, fecundation will happen and then we’ll continue its journey down to the uterus for implantation.
Ovulation is the very beginning and anything can happen after that.

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