
Can I pee after embryo transfer?

11 fertility expert(s) answered this question

Is it safe to pee just after the embryo transfer procedure?

Our experts have addressed your concerns about post-IVF embryo transfer. Wondering if frequent urination is typical afterward? Find out what’s normal and what to expect.

Answer from:
Gynaecologist, Medical Director & Owner Barcelona IVF

You can go to the toilet, and you can go immediately after we finish the embryo transfer. As I’ve said several times, the endometrium is a virtual cavity,  the embryos are going to remain there,  and even if you go to the toilet, and you empty your bladder,  the embryos are not going to fall out, they are going to stay there.

Sometimes, it could be really uncomfortable and really stressful for the patients to hold the bladder full when we have finished the transfer, so we don’t have any issue with that, and as soon as we finish the embryo transfer, if the patient wants to go to the toilet, we let her go, and you can pee, empty the bladder, that’s fine, it’s not an issue at all.

Answer from:
Gynaecologist, Specialist in Reproductive Medicine

Well, it’s absolutely safe to pee after an embryo transfer. It’s actually recommended because the patients have been retaining urine for some time and actually have nothing to do because the embryo is in the inside of the uterus and it’s actually between the two layers of the endometrium – it’s like a closed book. So, it won’t fail and it would go

Answer from:
Gynaecologist, Consultant in Reproductive Medicine Phoenix Hospital Group

To answer this question, let me reassure you that it is completely safe to go for a pee after the embryo transfer. If you think about the anatomy: we have a bladder and behind the bladder, there is the uterus and the bowel. So when you fill the bladder and then you empty it, it completely goes to the urethra and outside and it does not affect the actual embryo. The embryo cannot actually slip from the uterus. Basically, the technique that we use is to insert the embryo almost to the top of the uterus, at the microscopic level. This embryo is really going to find it very difficult to slip outside the uterus, even if you stand up afterwards or if you walk. All these activities as well as going for a pee after the transfer are absolutely not contraindicated. So I want to reassure you that it is something that you really don’t have to worry about.

Answer from:
Gynaecologist, Fertility Specialist Next Generation Clinic

I think about half of my patients ask about this after embryo transfer but I can say that you can do this after embryo transfer. The embryo cannot go outside the uterus when you are going to the restroom. Don’t worry about it. Embryo will be inside your uterus – it will be inside the uterine cavity.

Answer from:
Gynaecologist, Specialist in Reproductive Medicine Pronatal Fertility Clinics

Of course! We recommend arriving at the clinic for the transfer with a full bladder to facilitate the transfer, however after 10 minutes of rest, the patient will have to pee, then go home and this will not cause any damage to the embryo.

Answer from:
Gynaecologist, specialised in Reproductive Medicine Instituto iGin

Yeah, you can go to the toilet, there’s no issue with that. The embryo will not fall down or fall out of your uterus. So yeah, be sure you can go to the toilet.

Answer from:
Gynaecologist, Chief Physician ReproGenesis

You can pee after embryo transfer. It is completely safe. It’s not necessary to be stressed by it. Usually, we require to have a full bladder, so I think that it will be more comfortable for you if you directly after go to the toilet. So it’s completely safe.

Answer from:
Gynaecologist, Specialist in Obstetrics & Gynecology Vita Altera IVF Center

That’s an important question. Normally, you can go to the toilet immediately to pee, but, if, at the end, you have a positive pregnancy blood test and you succeed, in this case, there is no problem. But, if the patient does not have a positive result, they need answers and they may blame something because they need to find a reason. IVF is a big thing economically, socially, physically. They need some answers, and maybe this peeing immediately can be the answer.

Because of it, we proceed in a certain way. Firstly, before the embryo transfer, the bladder must be full in order to put the uterus in a good and easy position for the transfer. Secondly, we need to be to see the uterus without abdominal ultrasounds. For those two things, the bladder must be full and this is a little bit embarrassing. Otherwise, there’s no pain during the embryo transfer. After this, when we take the patient from the operation room to her room, she can have bed rest for 30 minutes. Sometimes, the patient experiences an urgency to pee and, in this case, we have some urine containers that we can put next to the bed and they can pee in the room or go to the toilet. After 30 minutes patients can get up and leave the clinic. There’s also another solution, in the operation room, if the patient cannot resist the urine catheter, I can take it out.

Answer from:
Gynaecologist, Consultant

This is a very interesting question that I get asked all the time. Yes, it perfectly makes sense for you guys to be worried about that. Because you may think if we had the embryo placed in, and then we go to the toilet, we stand up and we sit, and the embryo is going to fall out. Actually, from the anatomical point of view, from a mechanical point of view, the embryo is not going to fall out at all. Because the moment you stand up, your womb will actually go forward and then that going forward we will close completely the opening between the womb itself, and the cervix, which is the neck of the womb. The actual good anatomical position and gravity will help the embryo to stay inside.

Besides, the womb cavity is a virtual cavity, so it will be a cavity only the moment you have a pregnancy in it. Normally, I always describe it as a sandwich. Basically, we’re going to put the embryo between two slices of bread, and those two slices of bread are very close to one another. Hopefully, the embryo is going to find the right place where he is happy or she is happy to dig and implant. But yes, it is perfectly safe to go to the toilet, empty your bladder, be comfortable and then go home.

Answer from:
Embryologist, Laboratory Manager GENNET City Fertility

Yes, it is safe to use the loo once the embryo transfer procedure is complete.  The uterine walls naturally sit together and your uterus is independent of your bladder, so the embryo cannot fall out when you pee.

Answer from:
Embryologist, Junior Embriologist ReproMed Ireland

After the embryo transfer, normally, you have to wait 10-15 minutes before moving because it is said that it is better for the embryo to stay inside the uterus but it is not demonstrated that it is necessary. You can go to the toilet after the embryo transfer as well as you go to the toilet if you try to have a baby naturally. There is no problem with going to the toilet. You can have a very normal life, sometimes it is recommended not to do a very intensive exercise after the embryo transfer. In natural conditions, natural pregnancies, you don’t know that you are pregnant and you live a normal life (exercise and other things). You can go to toilet after the embryo transfer and proceed with normal day but it is not recommended to do intensive exercise, for example run marathon, right after embryo transfer

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