
When do you ovulate during IVF?

2 fertility expert(s) answered this question

Can you ovulate during IVF cycle?

Depending on the type of protocol chosen, different medication can be prescribed for the patient and a trigger shot is given 48-36 hours before planned egg collection to help eggs mature. Ovulation is when the egg is being released from the ovary but in case of the IVF, the most mature eggs are being collected directly from the ovary.

Answer from:
Gynaecologist, Obstetrician and Reproductive Gynecologist

Ovulation during In Vitro fertilisation treatment is triggered on specific timing so when egg collection takes place. The eggs that are going to be retrieved are matured.

Answer from:
Diagnostician, Chief Scientific Officer Pearl Fertility by Colorimetrix GmbH

There are hormonal ways to induce ovulation so you can get hormone shots to get induced ovulation.

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