
Does ovulation indicate fertility?

4 fertility expert(s) answered this question

How to interpret the ovulation from fertility perspective?

In order to conceive an egg needs to meet sperm meaning that both female sides like male need to have genetically normal material. Would fact that you ovulate be enough to consider female being fertile?

Answer from:
Embryologist, Director of European Operations Cryos International

Female infertility, an ovulation or lack of ovulation can actually be one of the major reasons why some women are infertile. Giving our period on a monthly basis doesn’t necessarily mean we are actually ovulating and this is something that needs to be tested through the hormones and through sonography and ultrasound and see if there are follicles actually growing. If there is hormonal imbalance, we could end up with not having the right amount of hormones to trigger that follicles will grow in our ovaries and would lead to production and growth of an egg that can be released, that can later on be fertilized. If this cycle fails then, of course, we have no ovulation, no egg is produced and there will be no pregnancy that can be achieved. Some of the other problems that could be causing this lack of ovulation can be early menopause. Some women unfortunately even in their 20s can have early menopause. Some genetic reasons can cause lack of ovulation so, it can be hormonal, it can be genetic, it can also be related to other factors that could be with a pituitary glands so, it is very very important that we keep track of our ovulation and that if we see that we don’t have ovulation happening, we definitely see the doctor as quickly as possible.

Answer from:
Nurse, Independent Fertility Nurse Consultant & Coach at Fertility Industry Consultancy & Podcast Co-Host

Having regular periods then that generally means that you’re ovulating regularly – that’s a really good indication that your fertility is good. To obviously conceive you need to have a regular ovulation so if you’ve got really nice regular periods then you can be reassured that most likely everything is okay with the ovulation.

Answer from:
Gynaecologist, Obstetrician and Reproductive Gynecologist

Ovulation is only part of what is necessary to establish healthy pregnancy, hence to call someone fertile. It means that you are able to release the egg from the ovary which is very important but more steps need to take place before pregnancy is established. This steps would be: normal function of fallopian tubes so they pick up egg from inside the area where it has been released, the existence of good quality of sperm that can fertilise the egg, the transport of the fertilised egg inside of the lining of the womb which is the endometrium and the implantation if we don’t have endometrial pathology which can reduce the function of the womb.

Answer from:
Diagnostician, Chief Scientific Officer Pearl Fertility by Colorimetrix GmbH

I have to say that ovulation is key to conceiving so if there is no ovulation of course – there is no chance that someone can conceive and that can be seen as infertility.
There are two ways of looking at fertility: one is the overall condition of a person over their entire life and over every day or the entire reproductive life that could in that condition diminishes the chances of getting pregnant – that could be considered for examples sub-fertility or if it’s really impossible because of certain factors then that could be considered infertility. We can also look at fertility over time during the cycle. Of course when there is no ovum, when there is nothing there to help you conceive – those days are so cold, not so fertile not because you are not fertile overall just because there is just no ovum, there is no chance for anyone to get pregnant during those days.
As I mentioned ovum lives 24 hours so we can look at ovulation as the moment that you test the fertility overall. Ovulation does not indicate fertility but it’s what gives the evidence for fertility. If there is, for example, an implantation deficiency or progesterone deficiency, whether there is ovulation coming or not – that’s all right but then if implantation cannot happen – then that affects fertility. Ovulation is just sort of the signal you look for to start testing fertility.

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