
How might I react if the genetic test result reveals that I carry a faulty gene?

2 fertility expert(s) answered this question

Faulty gene diagnosis - how to react and what to do next?

Your recent genetic test has revealed that you carry a faulty gene. How to deal with this emotionally and what to do next?

Answer from:
Gynaecologist, Gynaecologist in Reproductive Medicine & Reproductive Genetics Clínica Monterrico
Answer from:
Geneticist, Co-Founder & Chief Scientific Officer Fertility Genomics

For couples suffering from infertility, the woman finds out that the man has a defect. This will likely affect the man’s natural ego, and he should probably be advised to go to counseling to deal with this. Not necessarily genetic counseling, but in Britain, we’ve got infertility counselors. We strongly recommend that people who have the bad gene go to the infertility counselor on our website.

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