
Can I go to work after embryo transfer?

9 fertility expert(s) answered this question

How long should you rest after embryo transfer?

Our experts have provided answers to your pressing questions about embryo transfer. You can learn whether you should rest after the procedure, if it’s advisable to return to work immediately afterward, and what activities or habits you should avoid post-transfer for the best possible outcome.

Answer from:
Gynaecologist, Medical Director & Owner Barcelona IVF

Yes, of course, you can go to work after an embryo transfer. There’s only one exception to that. I usually tell my patients that once they are pregnant, there might be some changes required. For example, if the patient is lifting heavy things or something like that,  it’s better to change that after the transfer. In the end, if implantation takes place, it’s going to take place 24-36 hours after the embryo transfer,  so you are going to be pregnant that fast though there is no way you can be aware of that.

The policy is that if you are pregnant, you should avoid certain things like if you are exposed to certain substances, or you are lifting heavy weights, or whatever, it’s better to change that after the transfer. If not, if your life is not going to change once you have a positive pregnancy test,  it does not make any sense to change it before. You can live a normal life and go to work, continue doing whatever you were doing because this is not going to change the outcome.

Answer from:
Gynaecologist, Specialist in Reproductive Medicine

Well, yes. Actually I recommend having a normal life. So, if they work, I actually recommend getting back to work and the most important thing is one: because it won’t harm the treatment and the other one is: because it’s going to help the patient to think about something different. As I told you before, we just have to wait those 10 to 12 days to get the pregnancy test, to see if we did okay with the treatment.

Answer from:
Gynaecologist, Fertility Specialist Next Generation Clinic

I have to say that our activity regimen after an embryo transfer should be a little bit decreased. There are no strong limits to your activities, so I don’t see any reason why you can’t do this.

Answer from:
Gynaecologist, Chief Physician ReproGenesis

It’s very individual. It depends on the type of work. If you work in an office, for example, it’s possible to go to work the next day. On the day of transfer, I don’t recommend going to work.
But the next day, you can go to work and you can work normally. If you work for example in a factory, and you do heavy physical work, it’s better to stay at home. Also, I recommend staying at home for teachers, nurses who work with small children and are at high risk of infectious diseases, so it’s very individual. But in general, the majority of jobs are possible to do. We also have many studies here in the Czech Republic, which are comparing staying at home and working. The results are very similar. So staying at home doesn’t help if you don’t have very heavy work.

Answer from:
Gynaecologist, Specialist in Obstetrics & Gynecology Vita Altera IVF Center

What you do at home is not forbidden, it totally depends on what you do, what your work is, and what your profession is. If you go to an office and you work at the desk on a computer, etc., you can go freely without any problem. But if you carry something heavy, if you put some big effort physically, in this case, I don’t recommend it. If you work with chemical contamination, in a factory, or in the medicine area, you don’t have to go to work. In this case, most of the time, the patients ask us for a note to give to their boss or their office. So normally, we encourage the patients to maintain their normal life, to go to work if the work does not pose a problem.

Answer from:
Gynaecologist, Consultant

Nowadays a lot of people work from home. In this case, obviously, you have no excuse then. Yes, it is fine and safe. But again, it very much depends on what job you do. Because if your job involves heavy lifting, or you work in a care home, have to do lots of physical work, or if you are a horse-riding instructor or a Zumba class teacher or do strenuous exercise, heavy lifting or heavy bodywork – this should be really kept to a minimum.

But if you do an office job, then that’s perfectly fine. But again, it is very much dependent on your feelings, and it’s better not to have regrets as I said at the beginning. So do what you feel is right for you. Some patients take some off days in the first 10 days, until they know they are pregnant or not. Some people feel that they don’t want to do that, because that actually will make them focus too much on the thought of the pregnancy, and they want to be distracted. So we are all different, we all have different emotions, so really do what is best for you and that would be my recommendation.

Answer from:
Embryologist, Laboratory Manager GENNET City Fertility

You may wish to return to work after embryo transfer to help the countdown to your pregnancy test pass.  If you are happy to do so then you certainly can, however bear in mind the stresses and strains your job may impose on your mind and body.  If you have a very strenuous or stressful job, you may wish to take a few days off before resuming work and your normal activities.

Answer from:
Embryologist, Junior Embriologist ReproMed Ireland

After an embryo transfer you can continue with normal life: exercise, go to the toilet, there are no problems if you go to work. It is recommended not to do very extreme exercise so very extreme activity but if work require a lot physical activity sometimes is recommended not to work but normally, in general terms, 90% of the cases, you can do very normal life, you don’t need to do any specific activity. It is not necessary to rest all day. In fact it is better to stay active.

Answer from:
Gynaecologist UR Vistahermosa

Yes, of course, you can go to work after the embryo transfer. We advise our patients not to do an important effort, to carry out a quiet life, and avoid sexual intercourse during the first days before the pregnancy test but if your work is not very heavy, it’s completely allowed.

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