
How to prepare for ovarian stimulation process and afterwards?

2 fertility expert(s) answered this question

What are dos and dont's before and after the stimulation process?

Healthy lifestyle seems to be the key answer to any success especially if we are preparing for the pregnancy. Sleep, stress free environment, healthy diet, avoiding nicotine and alcohol consumption – these are some of the indications that we should hear from professionals.

Answer from:
Gynaecologist, Specialist in Reproductive Medicine

To get ready for an IVF procedure, it is best to maintain a healthy lifestyle. If you can, avoid smoking, lose weight, avoid bad habits and toxic habits such as alcohol consumption, lack of sleep and not eating well. This is something that can help us through the process and with the outcome. Of course we will not say that  lifestyle is the only factor, but it can make you feel better, as well as make you ready and feel prepared to go through the whole IVF process.

Answer from:
Gynaecologist, Muirhead Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at Glasgow Royal Fertility Clinic and Medical Director at Access Fertility

I think to prepare for ovarian stimulation, the key is to get your health as good as possible and whether or not that means making sure that you’re on a healthy diet. Classic one that’s been shown to be beneficial is a mediterranean lifestyle, so if you were thinking you’re in the south of France on holiday what you’d have been having for lunch and dinner there or in southern Italy. In terms of optimizing your weight, not taking alcohol, not taking any drugs so those are kind of the simple lifestyle things and being on your multivitamins and including folic acid for pre-pregnancy.
In terms of co-existing medical conditions you want to have them optimized as well. If you are diabetic for example you want to have your HbA1c as good as possible. if you’re on other medication for migraines you want to make sure they’re stabilized, your rheumatoid – your work material rheumatologist rheumatoid disease to optimize your medication for that. Those are all things just think about it as optimizing your health and being the best possible condition that you can be, kind of going to. Then that might include a range of supplements that you’re on and you want to maintain that all the way through the stimulation cycle and then during your embryo transfer until you find out. Because what you don’t ever want to do is think: I wish what if I had to change that and what if I’d done something different, if I had optimized my weight in advance would have a different outcome . You do not want to have those regrets, you want to make sure that you’re in optimal health before you embark on your treatment cycles.

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