
Is it OK to exercise during IVF stimulation?

4 fertility expert(s) answered this question

May physical exercise have negative impact on stimulation process?

Doctors recommend exercise as it has a positive impact on our health. Physical activities are also encouraged during the pregnancy. How about the stimulation process? Should one stop the daily routine of jogging for example?

Answer from:
Gynaecologist, Specialist in Reproductive Medicine

Exercise during IVF protocols is not contraindicating, you can carry on with life normally. 

One thing I like to tell my patients is that eventually, when we are close to the end of the protocol, close to the oocyte pickup, so the last two or three days, they may be a little uncomfortable due to the size of the ovary which is something we must take care of. If we have a young patient with a good response, they will probably feel more uncomfortable than a woman with a lower ovarian reserve. It is adjustable to the patient. In the last ultrasound, if the ovaries are big we try to tell them to have a normal life but to reduce exercise if possible. But during the rest of the process, it is not a contraindication and not after as well. 

Answer from:
Gynaecologist, Co-founder& Leading Reproduction Specialist IVMED Fertility Center

Normally, it is good to exercise but at the end of stimulation, ovaries are quite big – four to five times bigger than normal and they are more active. The risk of torsion of the ovary is increased and in case that happens, it may harm the blood circulation inside, it is not good, it is very painful and it is an urgent condition and sometimes there is a need of surgical intervention. So, probably after the middle of the stimulation, if really patients want to do some exercise, better to do something like swimming, or walking rather than something not very active.

Answer from:
Gynaecologist, Fertility Specialist Next Generation Clinic

n the first days of stimulation; you can exercise. You will not feel any discomfort- it’s okay. But with the growing follicles, you will feel discomfort, and also it can lead to some complications. I mean, lifting weights or something like that. Intra-abdominal pressure can lead to complications. So, we need to avoid such exercises. Not all exercises, but some of them.

Answer from:
Gynaecologist, Muirhead Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at Glasgow Royal Fertility Clinic and Medical Director at Access Fertility

What I’d normally say is that it’s okay to exercise but you need to do it thoughtfully. Some exercises lower physiological stress so the things to do are walking, swimming – all these things are classically fine to do. What you want to avoid is doing high impact, intensity exercises which proves a sort of metabolic stress on your body at that time. You want to avoid that. For gentler exercises – absolutely. Probably would be useful just to help cope with this cycle but just think about it as that is what could be low intensity exercising during that time.

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