
Does PRP help implantation?

1 fertility expert(s) answered this question

Does platelet-rich plasma therapy help embryos to implant after IVF?

If you have been doing some research on IVF with own eggs treatment, you may have come across PRP treatment – platelet-rich plasma therapy. It is said that local injection of PRP promotes embryo implantation through its increased level of growth factors.

Answer from:
Gynaecologist, Reproductive Gynecologist Clinica Tambre

Yes, PRP can help the implantation, especially in women with a thin endometrium. Some women have difficulties growing the endometrium for embryo transfer. This can be because of damage, for example, because of a surgery or infection. In these women, PRP can help to have a thicker and three-lining endometrium, so they will have a higher success rate of embryo implantation.

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