
Are Grade C embryos good for the transfer?

2 fertility expert(s) answered this question

Can grade C blastocysts be successful?

G​rading system although it is subjective, helps to select embryos for the transfer if of course there are more embryos at the blastocyst stage. In case, there are not many embryos​ or all of them are of the lowest quality, there are not many options and embryo C grade is transfer.

Answer from:
Senior Embryologist ReproMed Ireland

Depending on the clinic, they’ll freeze embryos with the scores CC or sometimes won’t. But for example, if you have four BC or four CB; four, three, or wherever blastocyst, you can freeze. But, this is the same as well depending on the age of the patient. The reason that we have transferred four CC is that maybe we won’t have any pregnancy, or maybe it’s not surviving the thawing, but depending on the case we can transfer or freeze.

Answer from:
Embryologist, Director of Embryology and Quality Manager Agora Clinic

Grade C embryo for the clinic that assess the embryos is: A, B or C and CC embryo is embryo that reached blastocyst stage but it doesn’t have a lot of cells to make the inner cell mass and cells to make the trophectoderm.
Is 4CC embryo good for the transfer? If that is the only embryo that we have – yes, we should transfer it. Obviously if we have better embryo than that, we select the grade A and grade B embryos. Grade C embryos they do implant and we do have life-birth that there were reported from very poor embryos on day 5 – a 4CC or even embryos that they haven’t compacted yet.

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