
What happens if you ovulate before IVF?

1 fertility expert(s) answered this question

What happens if you ovulate early during IVF?

Is it possible to ovulate before scheduled IVF?

Answer from:
Gynaecologist, Obstetrician and Reproductive Gynecologist

If you have a premature ovulation and on the day of egg collection the follicles seem to be empty and there is a free fluid in the abdomen then unfortunately the cycle needs to be cancelled. If there is a small number of follicles, that is one or two, that were supposed to be picked up and we know that there is a good function of the tubes and of the lining of the womb, then this IVF cycle can be converted into intrauterine insemination called also IUI where sperm is directly injected inside the cavity of the womb and then following fertilization and implantation.

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