
Is mini IVF worth it?

2 fertility expert(s) answered this question

Is it worth to think about minimal stimulation IVF as an option?

Are mini IVF worth it? Is Mild IVF better? When is Mini IVF recommended?

Answer from:
Gynaecologist, Specialist in Reproductive Medicine

I guess the most difficult question because it mostly depends on our patients. When we do mini IVF or natural cycles, as we talked before, it is because we have a really low ovarian reserve so, basically the best treatment for this kind of patient would be the egg donation program (doing IVF with donor eggs). So, I guess it will be worth it when women don’t want to go through an egg donation program. That’s the best scenario for patients that want to go through mini IVF.

Answer from:
Gynaecologist, Medical Director and PR to HFEA GENNET City Fertility

There are some groups who would say that those are the best available follicles that are activated or that are recruited by giving only mild stimulation.

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