
Does treating endometriosis increase fertility?

3 fertility expert(s) answered this question

Can you reverse infertility caused by endometriosis?

Most women with endometriosis will get pregnant naturally and no medical intervention would be needed. Women with severe endometriosis which is described as stage III/IV also have a chance of getting pregnant naturally after the surgical removal of the tissue. Small part of them would need assistance with IVF.

Answer from:
Gynaecologist, Subspecialist in Reproductive Medicine, CEO & Founder, NOW-fertility

There is some evidence to suggest that treatment of early stage endometriosis can improve fertility and I think more severe stages of endometriosis are less likely that surgery is going to be of benefit because remember that surgery is going to cause some scarring inside the pelvis. So the anatomy will be distorted not anymore because of the endometriosis if that has been excised but probably because of the presence of adhesions that occur in the pelvis as a result of the surgery.

Answer from:
Gynaecologist, Fertility specialist and Gynaecologist at London Womens Clinic

Not necessarily but in certain cases yes. Specifically if the disease is superficial and mild, it has been shown that doing laparoscopic treatment increases the chance of spontaneous pregnancy but if the disease is severe, deep rooted and there is no research or no trials which show that doing surgery improves the chances of pregnancy in those cases. Usually
IVF is recommended, unless there is a very big ovarian endometriosis and the problem is to collect eggs from that ovary then, the drainage of that endometriotic cyst or deposit might be helpful but not complete removal of the endometriotic cyst exists in severe cases.
IVF is the answer in severe endometriosis but in superficial, mild endometriosis, laparoscopic surgical treatment can increase the chances of fertility.

Answer from:
Gynaecologist, Co-Director EXPPECT Edinburgh, Chair of Academic Board RCOG, Professor of Gynaecology and Reproductive Sciences at The University of Edinburgh 

Yes, it can and with the two ways of treating endometriosis: you can treat it by surgically removing it or by giving hormones to treat it. If I take the second treatment first, hormone treatment won’t improve your fertility, so if a patient is presenting to a clinician with where fertility is the primary issue, they’re usually offered surgery and surgery for minimal to mild endometriosis, we know improves the chance of getting pregnant without any intervention spontaneously if you like. If patients have more severe endometriosis, the data for surgery is less clear and often patients may choose to or undergo fertility treatments such as IVF when they have endometriosis and often this can be very successful.

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