
How do you ovulate with PCOS?

1 fertility expert(s) answered this question

Can you have PCOS and still ovulate every month?

​PCOS affects ovulation. Women suffering from PCOS are likely to ovulate sometimes 3 times during a year which is making natural conception very challenging. What can be done to solve this problem? ​

Answer from:
Nurse, Independent Fertility Nurse Consultant & Coach at Fertility Industry Consultancy & Podcast Co-Host

The majority of women with PCOS will ovulate, but they perhaps won’t be ovulating as regularly as every cycle. Some women may ovulate or have a cycle every 40 to 50/60 days. Some women may only ovulate and therefore have a bleed twice in a year. It depends on how well controlled their ovulation or well controlled their PCOS is. When it comes to ovulation and PCOS, if you’re not ovulating regularly ( you will know this because you are not having regular periods) then it is important to seek some help from your doctor and your doctor will be able to advise you on the treatments you could consider to help you ovulate which are traditionally called ovulation induction treatments and it might be that you are offered a medication called clomid or letrozole to help you ovulate more regularly. You can start taking this at the beginning of the cycle and it will help you ovulate within a few days of stopping your treatment.

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