
What to do and what not to do before embryo transfer?

1 fertility expert(s) answered this question

How do I prepare my body for embryo transfer?

Embryo transfer is a BIG MOMENT in a patient’s journey towards parenthood and doing absolutely everything “right” seems to be a number one priority. ​​For this reason we search for the answers to these questions: How I prepare myself for the embryo transfer? What should I avoid doing before my embryo transfer? Can you eat and drink before embryo transfer?

Answer from:
Gynaecologist, Specialist in Reproductive Medicine Pronatal Fertility Clinics

After an ember transfer we recommend a 10 minute rest after which the patient can carry out a completely normal life: driving, working, etc. However, we also recommend that the first day not have intense physical activity, workout, intercourses, jogging, etc. Otherwise the rest of life is completely normal.

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