
Does PCOS affect egg quality?

1 fertility expert(s) answered this question

Is there any correlation between PCOS and oocytes quality or quantity?

Answer from:
Gynaecologist, Fertility Specialist Clinica Tambre

PCOS is a common hormonal disorder that is frequently associated with female infertility. Mainly, it is related to abnormal ovulation. Does PCSO affect egg quality?

This is very difficult to answer because the information we have now is not conclusive. Some studies suggest that PCOS does not affect the egg quality and IVF outcomes but others suggest that PCOS patients have lower egg quality and eggs with lower pregnancy potential. It seems it depends on the type of PCOS, other factors associated, such as obesity, or metabolic syndromes that can reduce the egg quality. The good news for PCOS patients is that they seem to have a higher number of eggs during the treatment and this can compensate for the lower egg quality.

We need to do more studies to solve this question but, in the meantime, there are some therapies available such as supplements and changes in lifestyle that we can use and try to improve the egg quality.

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