
How long does it take to recover from egg retrieval?

4 fertility expert(s) answered this question

What's the rocovery time and what can I do to help in the process?

Response to hormones is very individual but in general there is recommendation to avoid intensive activity for 2-3 days after egg collection. Ovaries can take couple of weeks to return to normal size and some patients can experience discomfort for a longer period of time.

Answer from:
Gynaecologist, Medical Director & Owner Barcelona IVF

Egg collection is a relatively simple procedure in which the patient is sedated lightly for about 5 minutes, without intubation. Recovery from this procedure is typically easy. In our clinic, patients usually stay for about one and a half hours. Once we’ve confirmed that they have eaten something and have had something to drink without experiencing nausea, vomiting, or pain, we discharge them. However, they are advised to rest for the first 24 hours.




Answer from:
Gynaecologist, Specialist in Reproductive Medicine

To get the eggs while doing the oocyte retrieval we use the same transvaginal ultrasound but with a needle attached to it. We see the ovaries by ultrasound and we go with a small needle into the ovary and asspirate the follicular fluid. In the follicular fluid, we expect the egg to swim, so we get it and give it to the laboratory. That’s how it goes.

Answer from:
Embryologist, Consultant Embryologist and Co founder at IVF London

Within an hour or two the patient should be absolutely ready, fit and well to be on their feet and go home, in 99 % of the cases patients should be back on their feet. Resuming normal activity by the next day. Certainly we expect patients to be sensible on the day of egg collection, not to overexert themselves, especially because they have anaesthetic, to relax , get their partners to do all the washing, cooking, cleaning. I often joke about that with my patients, that let the other person do everything for that day but I mean it, let the other person do everything for that day. If the couple have a child and the child needs looking after, we need to be sensible that it can’t be the woman there because she’s gone through a procedure, she’s been through a surgical procedure, so that day has to be totally her day, when she’s taking it easy.

Answer from:
Embryologist, Consultant Embryologist and Co founder at IVF London

Within an hour or two the patient should be absolutely ready, fit and well to be on their feet and go home, in 99 % of the cases patients should be back on their feet. Resuming normal activity by the next day. Certainly we expect patients to be sensible on the day of egg collection, not to overexert themselves, especially because they have anaesthetic, to relax , get their partners to do all the washing, cooking, cleaning. I often joke about that with my patients, that let the other person do everything for that day but I mean it, let the other person do everything for that day. If the couple have a child and the child needs looking after, we need to be sensible that it can’t be the woman there because she’s gone through a procedure, she’s been through a surgical procedure, so that day has to be totally her day, when she’s taking it easy.