
How common is IVF failure?

2 fertility expert(s) answered this question

How often IVF treatment fails?

How many women and couples who undergo IVF treatment do not get pregnant? Unfortunately, your IVF specialist may not always be able to tell you the reasons for the failure of your IVF cycle. Assisted reproductive treatments are expensive procedures and do not carry a 100% success guarantee.

Answer from:
Gynaecologist, Medical Director & Owner Barcelona IVF

IVF failure is a common condition, even in cases that initially appear to have a very good prognosis, such as double donation. The reasons for failure can vary greatly depending on each case. If we transfer embryos without genetic testing, the main reason for these failures may be genetic problems within the embryos. Additionally, if we transfer embryos into a uterus with fibroids or an endometrium that does not grow as expected, there may be issues at this level. In some cases, patients may have underlying health conditions such as thrombophilia or antiphospholipid syndrome, which can also interfere with normal implantation or pregnancy progression. Therefore, it’s crucial to individualize each case and determine which tests can provide useful information to address any potential problems the patient may have.




Answer from:
Gynaecologist, Fertility Specialist Clinica Tambre

Many patients achieve pregnancy after a failed round of IVF but it is true that IVF failure is quite common. Sometimes we do have to insist a little bit more and do several embryo transfers until we achieve that pregnancy. It not only depends on embryological factors, not only depends on the embryo, and not only depends on women’s age, sometimes it could depend also on other factors such as uterine factors if there is any abnormality over there, but this could also affect the chances of success. Sometimes there are women who have immunological factors or any condition that could be affecting, for example, or increasing blood clotting, they would need additive medication normally so that we can achieve a pregnancy.

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