
How endometrial scratching may impact an IVF outcome?

1 fertility expert(s) answered this question

Does endometrial scratch help implantation?

Should we stop offering endometrial scratching prior to in vitro fertilization? Does endometriosis affect implantation in IVF?

Answer from:
Gynaecologist, Professor of Reproductive Medicine and Surgery at King’s College

It doesn’t. Another simplistic theory. Unfortunately it’s been around since 2003 so it’s coming to 20 years and when we saw that people were interested, we took part in a multinational, multi-center trial that involved five countries from Australia to Sweden, to the UK, to the New Zealand and we recruited about 1400 patients and we compared those who had scratching against those who didn’t. Not a single bit of difference. It’s just over simplistic that when you dig or do that with scratch in the lining before the period where the treatment will start that will make wonder. Common sense suggests that the same lining that you have done the scratching for who will be coming away with the period so it’s not surprising that it’s been proved to be totally and utterly ineffective.

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