
When can I start trying again after a miscarriage?

2 fertility expert(s) answered this question

Is it safe to get pregnant right after a miscarriage?

When can you start trying after a miscarriage?​ ​What are the recommendations after miscarriage? ​Should any supplements be taken to prevent miscarriage? ​

Answer from:
Gynaecologist, Subspecialist in Reproductive Medicine, CEO & Founder, NOW-fertility

There is no point to take medications to take anything if not supported by some positive investigation, positive diagnostic tests and I would not encourage women just to take anything empirically thinking they are going to treat a specific problem but instead I would encourage to have the investigations first and if they have had three consecutive miscarriages before they keep trying to conceive, certainly to consult with a gynecologist especially with one that has got interest in recurrent miscarriage. When to start trying to conceive again after the previous miscarriage? I think that can be with the following period provided that woman feels emotionally and physically well.


Answer from:
Gynaecologist, Consultant Gynaecologist and Sub-Specialist in Reproductive Medicine

Starting trying again is​,​ I think up to the individual or the individual and her partner. I think that for the most part there’s no reason that you can’t try as soon as you wish. I think very often, actually, it’s your mental health that’s the biggest stumbling block and the thing that people have to get their head around is how are they going to feel next time. So, there’s not a right or a wrong in when you start to try again. Often people think it’s a sensible idea not to try until you’ve had a period because at least then you know when your last period was but really there’s no hard and fast rules. I think it’s really up to the individual as to when it’s right for them to try again.

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