
What is an average number of unexplained infertility patients getting pregnant naturally vs. using assisted reproduction techniques?

1 fertility expert(s) answered this question

Is IVF more successful with unexplained infertility?

What are the reproductive options for patients diagnosed with unexplained infertility? Is IVF giving better chances? What are the statistics for spontaneous pregnancy in couples diagnosed with unexplained infertility?

Answer from:
Gynaecologist, Consultant in Reproductive Medicine and Gynaecology at Newcastle’s Fertility Centre

There is always a possibility of pregnancy with a diagnosis or label of unexplained subfertility. This is not an absolute thing, it’s a label to give to people who haven’t conceived within a reasonable time frame. After 2 years worth of trying in a young couple (we shall take age out of it as this can confine things) 95% of couples would have conceived, we would expect, if they have normal fertility. If they haven’t, they probably can be helped by treatment as there may be subtle things going on that we can bypass through that process. The estimated chance of conception per cycle with a label of unexplained subfertility would be perhaps 1-4% per menstrual cycle. If you take someone through a cycle of IVF treatments and can bypass a problem, then again for young couples it can be significantly higher for that, so the balance then tips between continuing to try on your own to getting into more complex treatment, to try and then enhance the chances for those people where they may be something going wrong.

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