
What to do and what not to do if I have endometriosis?

3 fertility expert(s) answered this question

Can you make endometriosis worse?

Are there any lifestyle changes that need to be done to prevent endometriosis from making the endometriosis worse? How about diet? Is there a special nutrition or exercise that can help deal with endometriosis pain?

Answer from:
Gynaecologist, Founder and Clinical Director at Life Clinic Athens

Breastfeeding first of all it’s a protective factor for the woman and for the baby – for everything. Breastfeeding is, I think, is one gift that we have, it’s one not just it’s like a necessity for everybody and I was always against these new things that breastfeeding is like this and we can replace the milk. We live in a society where we believe that the copies are better than the original. The milk that we promote is a copy, a copy of something and we try to believe that this is better than the original. Breastfeeding is an exceptional procedure that helps the baby and the mother. I always recommend the longest one. During breastfeeding the benefits for endometriosis is the second reason, that we said before, because the uterus is not working. Is not producing endometrial cells all the time, it’s not regenerating the inside of the uterus all the time so, it’s working less. Theoretically it is a calmer period.

Answer from:
Gynaecologist, Co-Director EXPPECT Edinburgh, Chair of Academic Board RCOG, Professor of Gynaecology and Reproductive Sciences at The University of Edinburgh 

I think there isn’t anything specific but we recommend healthy eating, trying to exercise, can often be difficult to exercise if you’re in pain and trying to incorporate things that help you relax into your day-to-day lifestyle. There are alternative strategies like acupuncture, mindfulness – all of these things that won’t cure the painful symptoms associated with endometriosis but may actually make them more bearable and easier to to live with.

Answer from:
Gynaecologist, Consultant obstetrician & Gynaecologist at South Tyneside & Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust UK

Improving lifestyle. Lifestyle changing form of diet and exercise definitely should improve the general health of any lady and also it can have some effect on endometriosis. Anything which triggers inflammation because as we explained at the start, this endometriotic implant when implanted for the lining to be and this will trigger the body to to react to it by inflammatory response so make some inflammation so anything which is anti-inflammatory, it will improve the symptoms and that’s why one of the treatment options is anti-inflammatory drugs. In terms of diet, any diet which reduces inflammation, of course, it will help to reduce the pain related to the inflammation of endometriosis, one of them is to reduce the amount of red meat in diet, to reduce a dairy in diet and to increase vegetables and fruits and fibers, to have gluten free diet, to reduce caffeine and alcohol in diet all these will reduce the amount of inflammation or inflammatory products we take in diet and hence, reduce inflammation and improve the symptoms of endometriosis.

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