
What is the success rate of single embryo transfer?

2 fertility expert(s) answered this question

What are the chances of one embryo implanting?

Clinical studies show some discrepancies in pregnancy rate between single and two embryos transfer. Although the numbers are not that different, we need to bear in mind that the risks associated with twin pregnancy are real and for this reason SET – single embryo transfer is standard. Other factors that have influence on the success rate is the patient’s age.

Answer from:
Gynaecologist, Professor of Reproductive Medicine and Surgery at King’s College

If you have a single embryo transfer and again I keep going on and on about age and you are 28, you should expect 45- 50% sometimes but if you’re having single embryo transfer at age 43, you would be lucky to get maybe 10% if that embryo is blastocyst.

Answer from:
Embryologist, Director of Embryology and Quality Manager Agora Clinic

The success rate of the single embryo transfer depends on many factors such as the patient’s age, semen quality, and the reason for infertility. IVF and ICSI – also there is a difference in success rate for different age groups. It is very difficult to provide the number of success rates of the single embryo transfer but there is no doubt that the life-birth rate has increased stability over the last few years. For example, in the UK data from HFEA – our regulator show that the patients under the age of 35 have the highest birth rate per embryo transferred which is at around 35% and these are data from clinics all around the UK that were presented in 2019.

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