
Can AMH change month to month?

4 fertility expert(s) answered this question

Is there anything women can do to impact an AMH level, what is the reason for AMH level fluctuations?

Is it possible that hormone levels fluctuate month to month? During the cycle a number of hormones are involved in the process and therefore some changes are expected but usually the numbers do not vary dramatically. Fluctuation can be also due to the laboratory where the sample was processed.

Answer from:
Gynaecologist, Medical Director & Owner Barcelona IVF

As with all hormones, there are variations in levels that are absolutely physiological. However, these variations should not exceed a certain range. AMH levels may differ from month to month and sometimes even from week to week. As long as these differences are not really significant, we can accept that if a patient has an AMH level of 1, and we repeat it in 1 or 2 weeks, it could range from 0.7 to 1.4. This doesn’t necessarily mean that the response is going to be different.




Answer from:
Gynaecologist, Specialist in Reproductive Medicine

Well…yes, of course, month to month would be in older women. In younger women the level of AMH will decrease a little slower. But if you are older than 38 years, there is a chance that month to month the volume of AMH can decrease.

Answer from:
Midwife, Founder of HUG HEALTH LTD

Yes, it can. Sometimes it can change but it never leaps up or leaps right down and I think one of the hardest things with some of the clients that we see, especially those and it’s the the golden question I’m always asked: “I want to do this test because I want to know how long I’ve got”. Nobody can tell you how long that you’ve got and those women that do that test, they’re the ones that will come back a year or 18 months later because they’re not ready to quite try for a baby and sometimes it might be lower than they were anticipating or expecting. I think you need to with any of these tests, you need to feed in the factor of you can’t wait to have a baby. Delays cost valuable fertility time.

Answer from:
Gynaecologist, Consultant Gynaecologist, Reproductive Medicine Specialist

The follicles there are visible through a scan, it is the group of follicles that shall be recruited every month. So basically, nature has created synchronisation between sperm production in males, a new one from the beginning every two or three months and the new recruitment of a group of follicles every two or three months. The recruitment of these follicles that we can visualise and which the fertility specialist can work with, comes from the deposit (it is related to the deposit), with how many eggs are remaining but cannot be the same every time, not in terms of the number of the eggs but the number of mature eggs or eggs who have the potential to mature. So basically it can be a fluctuation and in some women we can see that although in related studies they say that because it’s not FSH dependent it can be measured the whole way through the cycle, so it is not a particular time that you will need to do a blood test although we already know this.

We can see that some women have fluctuations between the first part of the cycle and the second part of the cycle, so there are these types of fluctuations. There can be fluctuations between different stages of the cycle, different people, different women but it can also be a matter with the lab. But the fluctuations will not be extreme so we will not see an Anti-Müllerian hormone low to suddenly become extremely high. Therefore there will be some fluctuations but not in a range that will change everything in the impression that we have for a woman.

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