
Assisting Nature

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Assisting Nature in Greece
Country: Greece
City: Thessaloniki
Address: Assisting Nature, G. Kranidioti 2 & Thermi Av. Tsessaloniki, 57001 Pilaia, Thessaloniki, Greece
Phone no: +30 2310 424 294

About Assisting Nature

Although childbearing seems a very simple reproduction process, one out of six couples faces difficulties conceiving naturally. At this point, the team of Assisting Nature intervenes by initially seeking the cause of the problem without exploiting the couples’ desire for a baby. Thereinafter, the appropriate treatment is provided where possible, otherwise every contemporary method of assisted reproduction is implemented. Depending on each case, methods vary from IUI, NC, and ICSI to more sophisticated methods such as IMSI, time-lapse embryo-culture, blastocyst culture, micro-TESE and Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD).

Utmost expertise and professionalism are our strengths. The scientific team of Assisting Nature, more specifically the gynaecologists, obstetricians, embryologists, geneticists, and other medical practitioners, has worked at the most reputable universities internationally and are distinguished members of the global reproductive medical community. Their studies are published in some of the most distinguished medical journals and they are invited to give lectures around the world regarding modern treatments of infertility.

The birth of a healthy child, the safety of the woman during the entire process and the psychological health of the couple are our priorities. With us you will realize that infertility does not mean sterility and you will soon embrace parenthood.

Gynaecologist, Co-Founder & Scientific Director Assisting Nature
Number of answers: 2
Embryologist, Lab Director Assisting Nature
Number of answers: 1