

Wendy Martin, Developmental Psychology


Fertility Coach, Specialist Fertility and Miscarriage Counsellor
Wendy Martin


Country: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Bristol


Meet Wendy Martin

Wendy is from Bristol in England. She is a Specialist Fertility Counsellor and has been in this line of work for about 25 years since she first qualified as a therapist.
One of the first jobs she got was a temporary role for three months just for three hours a week in the local Fertility Clinic where they were looking for somebody temporarily while they found a Specialist Fertility Counsellor because their council had left. Wendy held the fort for a few weeks and months and they never did find anyone else and very gradually she learned more and more about the world of fertility treatment and she watched a six-part documentary by professor Winston at the time. That was very helpful for her because she knew nothing about the subject and was completely new to the whole field.

Gradually over the years Wendy worked more and more in this area and  also now works privately as well. In her private practice she gets referrals from various other hospitals and clinics specifically to do with fertility or multiple miscarriage because that’s something else she have decided to specialise in because it’s the same for people who can conceive but can’t carry a child full term as it is for people who are struggling to even conceive a child the desire for a baby and a family is the same for them both and the distress is the same for them both.
She also works with couples, specifically couples who are struggling to have a child and she helps work with them on their communication and their relationship and because of the stresses and strains that going through this for a protracted period of time will often cause them.

She does um  also do generic counselling as well so she can also talk about other things in people’s lives that are going on as well.


Languages: English

Fertility Answers from Wendy Martin