
Is “egg banking” recommended for low ovarian reserve patients?

1 fertility expert(s) answered this question

What is the purpose of embryo banking?

What is the purpose of egg banking? Who benefits from embryo banking?

Answer from:
Gynaecologist, Co-founder& Leading Reproduction Specialist IVMED Fertility Center

If a woman can give three, four eggs during the stimulation, we would rather proceed with the fertilization and if she has a good embryo, we will transfer them. If, for example, only one follicle, only one egg is retrieved, we will try to do egg banking three, four, five cycles to receive in total four, five, six eggs and then fertilize. It is rather economic question from the point of view of pregnancy because if even we have one only, one egg and fertilize and receive nice embryo, we can transfer and she can has pregnancy more quickly and not wait six months when we will collect all these follicles so, from economical point of view, probably, better to do this banking and then only once fertilized, waiting to blastocyst stage and doing the transfer but from another point of view, we can proceed every cycle with one follicle and if it will give normal fertilization, we can do the transfer.

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