
What herbs increase fertility?

2 fertility expert(s) answered this question

Are there any herbs witch may help with fertility?

What herbs increase ovulation? Can herbs help you get pregnant? How can I increase my fertility fast?

Answer from:
Gynaecologist, Fertility Specialist Next Generation Clinic

Well, about herbs, I have to say that I’ve been working with Chinese patients for many years and traditional Chinese medicine includes many herbs and many supplements so, these people believe in these traditional methods. It can help some of them. I know that herbs cannot be harmful so if you believe in these herbs, you can use them. I’m not sure that they really can help, especially if persons have ovarian insufficiency due to advanced age or something like that but it can help to be calm, to have a rest, so it’s quite good.

Answer from:
Dietician / nutritionist, Lecturer in Nutrition and Public Health at University of Westminster

Herbs are quite interesting, so we know oregano and rosemary have anti-inflammatory properties. Inflammation is related to infertility so, maybe inclusion of those herbs also could support it but you would need a lot of herbs to be able to get that anti inflammatory properties. However, adding herbs to your food is very beneficial because especially it means that often you avoid other things like fat or the addition of extra salt because you’re adding extra flavor that makes it an important part of the diet as well because you make it need tastier without the addition of things that may be more harmful to the health.

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