
How is a miscarriage diagnosed?

2 fertility expert(s) answered this question

Can doctors tell if you had a miscarriage?

What defines miscarriage? How to recognise miscarriage? What should we do if we think we miscarried?

Answer from:
Gynaecologist, Subspecialist in Reproductive Medicine, CEO & Founder, NOW-fertility

The presence of a gestation sac within the uterus that per se is the establishment of the pregnancy and from that stage onwards we would consider a pregnancy loss as a miscarriage. We could see the presence of a gestation sac within the uterus with or without the fetus. If there is no fetus, then it’s considered to be a blighted ovum. If there is a fetus and there is no fetal heart activity then will be considered a missed miscarriage.

Answer from:
Gynaecologist, Consultant Gynaecologist and Sub-Specialist in Reproductive Medicine

Miscarriages are now diagnosed when a woman has some symptoms such as bleeding or spotting or pain and visits her local early pregnancy unit and then sometimes miscarriages are diagnosed on ultrasound scan, because it’s seen on the scan that, sadly, the baby’s not developing or the heartbeat stopped. Of course, sometimes miscarriages are diagnosed in retrospect because one’s had a very heavy bleed and then we perhaps do a scan later and find that there’s no pregnancy there or indeed, that the pregnancy test becomes negative. It again depends on the stage of the miscarriage often.

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