
How much does PGT A PGS testing cost?

2 fertility expert(s) answered this question

Answer from: Maria José Mendiola, MD, MSc in Human Genetics, MSc in Science Communication, ObGyn

Gynaecologist, Gynaecologist in Reproductive Medicine & Reproductive Genetics
Clínica Monterrico

Answer from: Dimitra Christopikou, Clinical Laboratory Geneticist

Geneticist, Head of the PGT lab
Embryogenesis IVF Unit Athens

This is a fluctuating answer depending on the country. Now, in most places where they carry out  NGS, it is cheaper in the lab so cheaper for the patient, it is around one hundred and fifty to two hundred euros per sample per embryo but this is only for my area. I cannot answer what the prices are for the USA  or Northern Europe. But this price has gone down since NGS times because we can batch, have many samples in the same experiment. This makes the cost go down when it is compared with previous techniques such as RACGH or FISH. 

About this question:

What is the charge for embryo screening?

PGS/PGT-A cost depends on the fertility clinic and the number of embryos you are testing. Charge for the test would rely on method used to process cells.

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