
How long does it take for ovaries to shrink after egg retrieval?

2 fertility expert(s) answered this question

Answer from: Patricio Calamera, MD, MSc, ObGyn

Gynaecologist, Specialist in Reproductive Medicine

That also depends on the patient. After the oocyte retrieval on average it takes one month – one menstrual period to get everything back to normal. Some women may get sooner and for some others it will take more time. The difference is because of the response of the ovaries after stimulation. When we have young women with high ovarian reserve or high AMH which means that they have lots of oocytes in the ovaries, the size of the ovaries is bigger so it takes a bit longer to get back to normal size. In normal or poor/low responders, the ovary takes less time to get back to normal.

Answer from: Alpesh Doshi

Embryologist, Consultant Embryologist and Co founder at IVF London

Yes they should, because during the stimulation actually the ovaries enlarge. They can almost go from the size of a plum to the size of an orange if not bigger, depending on the level of stimulation encountered. In some cases the ovaries can enlarge much bigger than the size of an orange. It can be much larger. So yes, the only way we expect the ovaries to respond after the egg collection is shrinking. Sometimes it goes the other way, if the patient is hyper stimulated or hyper stimulating, the ovaries can continue to expand in size and that’s when they potentially need some medical help including even being taken to the A&E in very rare situations.

Even if the patient is feeling hyper stimulated, the effects actually subside within the next three to four days.

About this question:

Is it common that ovaries are shrinking after the egg retrieval?

Ovaries can take couple of weeks to return to normal size and some patients can experience discomfort for a longer period of time.

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