
Does intralipid infusion lower the immune system?

1 fertility expert(s) answered this question

Answer from: Ioannis John Toliopoulos, PhD

Immunologist, Clinicolaboratorial Physiology, Reproductive immunology, President of Konstantinion Research Center of Molecular Medicine and Biotechnology
Konstantinion Research Center of Molecular Medicine & Biotechnology non-profit Foundation (KRC)

Very nice questions because I use exactly the terminology – we suppress them in order to regulate the level of the NK cells. We do not go to the very bottom of the level of NK cells, meaning we do not take the immune system from the patient. Women still have an immune system but not a hyperactive one that kills the embryo. Suppression of the immune system is done to get to the reference line that we want to have before the implantation or in natural pregnancy. We do not suppress, we regulate – this is a significant word that we need to use in bibliography. We REGULATE NK cells before the implantation or the embryo transfer or natural pregnancy.

About this question:

What can I expect from an Intralipid infusion?

Intalipid infusions are beneficial for patients with elevated levels of Natural Killer cells also known as NK cells. Although NK cells are essential in fighting any infections and threats in the body can also lead to troubles with keeping pregnancy.

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