Ivanov Kirill


Kirill Ivanov, MD


Andrologist, Urologist
EGV Clinic


Country: Latvia, Riga


Meet Kirill Ivanov

Dr Kirill Ivanov is a urologist, andrologist, abdominal organs and blood vessels ultrasound expert at Clinic EGV, Riga, Latvia. Dr Ivanov perceives men’s health holistically as a totality. He performs surgical treatment of men’s infertility, consults in case of erectile problems and performs the ultrasound and dopplerography examinations of male genitals and urinary tract, also minimally-invasive urological surgeries.

“Centre of Andrology is located in the Clinic EGV — unique men’s health oasis in the Baltic countries! Here you can receive consultations about men’s fertility issues and perform innovative Micro-TESE treatment, using a powerful microscope. There are cases when spermatozoids are absent in the man’s sperm and the couple is not able to conceive. To access spermatozoids, during the Micro-TESE treatment we open the testicle and carefully retrieve sperm from the seminiferous tubules of a male’s testes. We provide the joy of parenting to the ones who could not dream about it before!”



Languages: Latvian, English